Exam Questions | Chapter 15: Organizational Structure
Table of Contents
Exam Questions Chapter 1
Exam Questions Chapter 2
Exam Questions Chapter 3
Exam Questions Chapter 4
Exam Questions Chapter 5
Exam Questions Chapter 6
Exam Questions Chapter 7
Exam Questions Chapter 8
Exam Questions Chapter 9
Exam Questions Chapter 10
Exam Questions Chapter 11
Exam Questions Chapter 12
Exam Questions Chapter 13
Exam Questions Chapter 14
Exam Questions Chapter 15
Exam Questions Chapter 16
Key Exam Questions
Key Topics That May Appear in the Exam:
Product structure
Geographic structure
Multi-divisional structure
Matrix structure
Bureaucratic structure
Organizational design
Mechanistic organizations
Organic model
Span of control
Organizational structure
Chain of command
Job specialization
Organizational chart
Strategic plan
Learning Objectives
What are the major elements of an organizational structure?
What is an organization’s structure, and what does it consist of?
What is organizational design, and what factors does the organizational design process depend on?
What steps can organizations take to reduce the negative effects of restructuring efforts?
When an organization makes changes to its structure, how does that restructuring affect job performance and organizational commitment?
What are some of the more common organizational forms that an organization might adopt for its structure?
Many small companies evolve into functionally based structures as they grow larger.
Lasting Skin Care Inc. is growing very fast in both sales and number of employees. It manufactures and sells skin products for youth, male, female, elderly, and ethnic populations all over the United States and several other countries. So far, the company has followed a simple structure. However, with fast-paced growth, it has become a necessity that the company explore other organizational structures. Larry, a long-time employee at Lasting Skin Care, has collected information on how some of its competitors have organized their companies. Tracks Inc. groups its employees by their different areas of expertise such as Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations. Fine Base, which is primarily in the United States, groups its activities as Northeast Division, Southeast Division, Northwest Division, Southwest Division, and Central Division. Prints Inc. has organized its employees according to the accounts they serve, such as Large Company Contracts, Internet Sales, Individual Sales, and Small Salon Direct Sales. Finally, Make safe International has grouped its business units around different types of makeup, including the Lipstick and Lip Gloss Division, the Eye shadow Division, the Foundation Division, the Mascara Division, and the Bronzer and Blush Division. Which of the following describes Tracks' organizational structure?
Lasting Skin Care Inc. is growing very fast in both sales and number of employees. It manufactures and sells skin products for youth, male, female, elderly, and ethnic populations all over the United States and several other countries. So far, the company has followed a simple structure. However, with fast-paced growth, it has become a necessity that the company explore other organizational structures. Larry, a long-time employee at Lasting Skin Care, has collected information on how some of its competitors have organized their companies. Tracks Inc. groups its employees by their different areas of expertise such as Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations. Fine Base, which is primarily in the United States, groups its activities as Northeast Division, Southeast Division, Northwest Division, Southwest Division, and Central Division. Prints Inc. has organized its employees according to the accounts they serve, such as Large Company Contracts, Internet Sales, Individual Sales, and Small Salon Direct Sales. Finally, Make safe International has grouped its business units around different types of makeup, including the Lipstick and Lip Gloss Division, the Eye shadow Division, the Foundation Division, the Mascara Division, and the Bronzer and Blush Division. Which of the following describes Fine Base's organizational structure?
Lasting Skin Care Inc. is growing very fast in both sales and number of employees. It manufactures and sells skin products for youth, male, female, elderly, and ethnic populations all over the United States and several other countries. So far, the company has followed a simple structure. However, with fast-paced growth, it has become a necessity that the company explore other organizational structures. Larry, a long-time employee at Lasting Skin Care, has collected information on how some of its competitors have organized their companies. Tracks Inc. groups its employees by their different areas of expertise such as Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations. Fine Base, which is primarily in the United States, groups its activities as Northeast Division, Southeast Division, Northwest Division, Southwest Division, and Central Division. Prints Inc. has organized its employees according to the accounts they serve, such as Large Company Contracts, Internet Sales, Individual Sales, and Small Salon Direct Sales. Finally, Make safe International has grouped its business units around different types of makeup, including the Lipstick and Lip Gloss Division, the Eye shadow Division, the Foundation Division, the Mascara Division, and the Bronzer and Blush Division. Which of the following describes Make safe International's organizational structure?
The matrix structure gives each employee ________ chain(s) of command.
at least two
At Blue Wall Technology, employees are grouped according to their functional expertise as well as the different vital product lines that they are working on. Thus, the company has simultaneously created a combination of a functional and a product structure. This is an example of a ________ structure.
Matrix structures
are generally used by small organizations in which the manager, president, and owner are all the same person.
place the functions required to serve a business under a manager who is in charge of a specific location.
organize their businesses around serving customers that all act in a similar way.
group business units around different products that the company produces.
try to take advantage of two types of structures at the same time.
A large pharmaceutical company recently adopted a structure in order to give its top managers more responsibility and flexibility. The company is now structured around five customer groupings: major healthcare provider networks, individual consumers, small and mid-sized pharmacies, military bases and government employee facilities, and public clinics. Which of the following organizational structures has this company created?
When Jolly Fingers Gloves, Inc., groups its business units according to where they do business-such as the North American division, the South American division, the Australian division, and the African division-it is creating which of the following organizational structures?
A plastic injection molding company, Flexiplast, has diversified to the point that the products it sells are very different and managing them has become overwhelming. Which of the following structures would help Flexiplast manage this situation?
When Lakefront Marine Company groups its business units around the different lines of boats such as the Shark, Bass, and Catfish, which of the following structures is it creating?
Which of the following structures generally develop from companies with functional structures whose interests and goals become too diverse for that structure to handle?
Which of the following is a bureaucratic organizational form in which employees are grouped into divisions around products, geographic regions, or clients?
mechanistic structures
global structures
multi-divisional structures
matrix structures
organic structures
Katarina is the East Coast manager of Boots for You. Other managers are in charge of the West Coast, South, and Great Lakes divisions. Her brother, Jordan is a marketing manager at a different firm who enjoys watching sports with the finance and operations managers from his company. Katarina likely works in a company with a ________ structure, while Jordan most likely works in a company with a ________ structure.
product; functional
geographic; product
product; client-based
geographic; functional
client-based; geographic
The biggest weakness of a functional structure is that
it is not efficient when the organization as a whole has a relatively narrow focus.
it is not efficient when the organization has fewer product lines or services.
it cannot operate efficiently in a stable environment.
employees do not communicate as well across functions as they do within functions.
employee efficiency is decreased due to a high degree of work specialization.
At LMNO Creating, employees are grouped according to their expertise in an area. All marketing employees are in one department, all finance employees are grouped in another department, and similarly, all human resources and manufacturing employees are in their respective departments. Which of the following structures does LMNO Creating use?
A bureaucratic structure is an organizational form that exhibits many of the facets of the ________ organization.
A ________ structure is a flat organization with one person as the central decision-making figure.
A ________ structure makes perfect sense for a small organization because employees can come and go with no major ripple effects on the organization.
What is the primary reason for simple structures being perhaps the most common form of organizational design?
There are more small organizations than large ones.
Employees can come and go with no major ripple effects on the organization.
Changes in specialization lead to less confusion about how exactly employees are supposed to do their jobs.
Employees feel less emotionally attached to the firm.
Approval for decisions need not be authorized at every step of the hierarchy.
Which of the following examples illustrates a client structure?
Ayden's Printing has 18 employees that all report to Ayden.
Motor Monster has a pistons division, a manifold division, and a gasket division.
Stone Farms has a restaurant division, a supermarket division, and a festival division.
BG Limited has a Pacific Northwest division, a Midwest division, and a Northeast Division.
Lighting Landing has a marketing department, a lending department, and a warranty department.
Which of the following examples illustrates a functional structure?
Linda's Pet Grooming has eight employees that all report to Linda.
Rio Riffic has a hydraulics division, a PVC division, and a fixtures division.
AB Aeronautics has a private division, a commercial division, and a government division.
BG Limited has a Pacific Northwest division, a Midwest division, and a Northeast Division.
Handy Homes has a financial department, a production department, and a sales department.
Mazie heads Grass Roots Diversified, a company that started making garden rakes in Oregon and has now diversified into a huge range of areas totally unrelated to gardening. Grass Roots has become impossible to run under its current configuration. How should Mazie redesign the organization?
create complete business units in Oregon, Kansas, and Alabama
group business units by rakes, furniture, shelving, and kitchen goods
group employees by accounting, marketing, design, production, and so on
structure business units according to the technology used to create products
organize the business units around serving the government, gardening stores, and kitchen stores
________ structures are perhaps the most common form of organizational design.
To keep the stress level low and avoid multiple chains of command issues, managers should adopt the matrix structure.
Matrix structures try to take advantage of two types of structure at the same time.
The most basic bureaucratic structure is the ________ structure.
What are the major elements of an organizational structure?
In an organic organization,
employees know exactly whom they report to.
employees are not encouraged to make decisions without their manager's consent.
there are very clear lines of authority from the employee to the president of the company.
employees are encouraged to develop knowledge and expertise outside of their specialization.
information is passed through vertical communication between an employee and his or her supervisor.
In a mechanistic organization, employees are
encouraged to engage in lateral communication.
required to make their own decisions when appropriate.
given a very narrow view of the tasks they are to perform.
urged to develop knowledge outside of their specialization.
asked to think more broadly in terms of where their responsibilities lie.
Organic organizations are typified by a structure that relies on
a rigid and hierarchical chain of command.
high degree of work specialization.
centralization of decision making.
high levels of formalization.
weak chains of command.
Organic organizations are
efficient, rigid, predictable, and standardized organizations that thrive in stable environments.
more complex designs that try to take advantage of two types of structures at the same time.
flexible, adaptive, outward-focused organizations that thrive in dynamic environments.
business units grouped around different products that the company produces.
flat organizations with one person as the central decision-making figure.
Which of the following is associated with decentralization in decision making?
moderate spans of control
tall spans of control
wide spans of control
narrow spans of control
flat spans of control
In Big Bluff Heirlooms, a furniture manufacturing company, the arrival and departure times to and from work are specified to the minute, with time clocks used to control deviant behavior. It can be said that the company is high in
division of labor.
work differentiation.
Which of the following is a necessary coordination mechanism that organizations rely on to get a standardized product or deliver a standardized service?
span of control
chain of command
work specialization
Formalization refers to
where decisions are formally made in organizations.
the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs.
how many employees each manager in the organization has responsibility for.
the answer to the question of who reports to whom? and signifies formal authority relationships.
the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors and decisions in an organization.
If decision making is pushed down to lower-level employees, and these employees feel empowered to make decisions on their own, an organization has a ________ structure.
Jeff and Matthew, father and son, opened a large boutique named Modus in Chicago. Being the owners of the business, they decide all of the important matters. All the rest of the decisions like product, finance, marketing, and personnel are carried out by the department heads, who have to act according to Jeff's and Matthew's instructions and orders. Which of the following is True about Modus?
The degree of formalization is very low in the organization.
It has a centralized system of decision making.
It has a very tall organizational structure.
It has a matrix organizational structure.
It has a narrow span of control.
Centralization reflects
where decisions are formally made in organizations.
the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs.
how many employees each manager in the organization has responsibility for.
the answer to the question of who reports to whom? and signifies formal authority relationships.
the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors and decisions in an organization.
Current research suggests that
the narrower the span of control, the more productive employees become.
a moderate span of control is best for an organization's productivity.
spans of control in organizations have decreased significantly in recent years.
a wide span of control requires organizations to hire many managers.
a wide span of control is especially important if the manager has more skill than the subordinates.
The relationship between performance and span of control is graphed as a(n)
arch shape.
U shape.
straight horizontal line.
straight vertical line.
diagonal line sloping up to the right.
The more people under the control of one manager, the
greater the decentralization.
wider the span of control.
taller the organizational structure.
shorter the chain of command.
greater the work specialization.
Span of control
is the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs.
answers the question of who reports to whom? and signifies formal authority relationships.
refers to where decisions are formally made in organizations.
refers to the number of employees each manager is responsible for in the organization.
is the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors and decisions in an organization.
Davanna is describing her company's organizational structure. Which of the following terms would she use in her description?
newcomer orientation
work specialization
personality testing
cognitive ability
cultural values
Which element of the organizational structure signifies formal authority relationships?
chain of command
work specialization
span of control
The degree to which a job requires a number of different activities involving a number of different skills and talents is referred to as
task identity.
task significance.
When looking at Wonder Guard Industries' organizational structure, Janice spots a heading for work specialization, which is also commonly referred to as
span of control.
division of labor.
chain of command.
Work specialization refers to
where decisions are formally made in organizations.
the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs.
how many employees each manager in the organization has responsibility for.
answering the question of who reports to whom? and signifies formal authority relationships.
the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors and decisions in an organization.
Shane is the project manager of the organizational development team at Solid Hardwoods. Shane's team has been assigned the task of studying and evaluating Solid Hardwoods' organizational structure. Shane divided the tasks among the team members to collect preliminary information on different elements of Solid Hardwoods' structure. Meg was asked to collect information on the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs. Andrea was asked to collect information on formal authority relationships. Francine started looking into how many employees each manager has responsibility for, and Carol was asked to collect evidence on the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors at Solid Hardwoods. Shane decided to personally collect information and evidence on where exactly decisions are formally made at Solid Hardwoods. The team decided to meet with information in two weeks. On which element of organizational structure was Carol asked to collect evidence?
span of control
chain of command
work specialization
Shane is the project manager of the organizational development team at Solid Hardwoods. Shane's team has been assigned the task of studying and evaluating Solid Hardwoods' organizational structure. Shane divided the tasks among the team members to collect preliminary information on different elements of Solid Hardwoods' structure. Meg was asked to collect information on the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs. Andrea was asked to collect information on formal authority relationships. Francine started looking into how many employees each manager has responsibility for, and Carol was asked to collect evidence on the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors at Solid Hardwoods. Shane decided to personally collect information and evidence on where exactly decisions are formally made at Solid Hardwoods. The team decided to meet with information in two weeks. On which element of organizational structure is Shane collecting information?
span of control
work specialization
chain of command
At Pleasant Pools Inc., there is a total focus on providing care and satisfaction to each customer. In the Prominent Clients division, each manager is assigned 3 employees to supervise, whereas in the Component Assembly division, each manager supervises about 15 employees. The Prominent Clients division managers can be described as having ________ as opposed to ________ for the Component Assembly division managers.
a narrow span of control; a wide span of control
a wide span of control; a narrow span of control
narrow centralization; tall centralization
tall formalization; flat formalization
flat formalization; tall formalization
Shane is the project manager of the organizational development team at Solid Hardwoods. Shane's team has been assigned the task of studying and evaluating Solid Hardwoods' organizational structure. Shane divided the tasks among the team members to collect preliminary information on different elements of Solid Hardwoods' structure. Meg was asked to collect information on the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs. Andrea was asked to collect information on formal authority relationships. Francine started looking into how many employees each manager has responsibility for, and Carol was asked to collect evidence on the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors at Solid Hardwoods. Shane decided to personally collect information and evidence on where exactly decisions are formally made at Solid Hardwoods. The team decided to meet with information in two weeks. Francine is looking into information on which element of organizational structure?
span of control
chain of command
work specialization
At Buddy's Bird Barn, every employee has to consult Buddy before completing any sale, and only Buddy can make decisions about purchasing and advertising. These rules represent ________ at Buddy's Bird Barn.
span of control
chain of command
Which of the following scenarios exemplifies span of control?
Briley is responsible for the fall seasonal product line.
Vanna is responsible for managing 16 employees.
Savannah makes all decisions affecting shipping.
Octavio performs one single task repeatedly.
Lucy earns over $100,000 per year.
The managers at Microfab meet and realize that they have huge costs associated with training new employees, difficulty finding someone who can take the place of lost employees, and lower productivity than they would prefer from each employee. What can they do to address this issue?
decrease the amount of control managers have over employees
decrease the number of tasks each employee performs
increase the number of tasks each employee performs
increase the number of employees under each manger
train the new employees themselves
Organic organizations are efficient, rigid, predictable, and standardized organizations that thrive in stable environments.
Decentralized organizational structures tend to concentrate power and authority within a relatively tight group of individuals in the firm.
A ________ span of control creates a ________ organization structure.
wide; flat
tall; flat
moderate; narrow
narrow; flat
flat; moderate
Wide spans of control allow managers to be much more hands-on with employees.
A company's chain of control determines how many employees report to each manager.
The chain of command helps the organization to attain order, control, and predictable performance.
In a traditional organizational structure, every employee has one person to whom they report.
Employees tend to be more satisfied with jobs that require them to perform a specialized kind of activity.
Henry Ford was a strong believer in work specialization.
What is an organization's structure, and what does it consist of?
Eileen is the leader of a small compost facility that caters to organic farmers. She has to decide how many employees each supervisor will oversee, and how closely they will watch over them. This is an example of Eileen shaping her company's
supply chain.
profit margin.
cultural values.
mission statement.
organizational structure.
Which of the following shows every job in the organization and the formal reporting relationships between those jobs?
the chain of command
an organizational chart
a structural map
the scalar chain
a Gantt chart
Dana is the CEO of a large technology company. She has some very talented employees, but the company keeps falling behind its competitors. When Dana observes what is going on, she finds some cases where managers are micromanaging good employees, while other managers cannot address all the needs of their employees. Dana needs to address how her talent is
________ formally dictates how jobs and tasks are divided and coordinated between individuals and groups within the company.
The span of control
An organizational structure
The chain of command
Organizational structure can have a significant impact on an organization's financial performance.
As companies grow larger, their organizational charts get simpler.
What is organizational design, and what factors does the organizational design process depend on?
As organizations become larger, they tend to become more ________ in nature.
The method by which an organization transforms its inputs into outputs refers to its
One element of a firm's environment is
work specialization.
chain of command.
Stately Crafters is a custom manufacturer of hand-crafted furniture. The company has 101 locations throughout the country and relies on decentralized decision making to meet the needs of the dynamic environment and customer needs. Which of the following approaches to organizational design is likely to be appropriate for Stately Crafters?
SB Stationary is the low-cost producer of one type of standard notepad. Given that it operates in a fairly stable environment, the company focuses on making its product as efficiently as possible. Which of the following approaches to organizational design is likely to be appropriate for SB Stationary?
Company strategy refers to
the method by which an organization transforms inputs into outputs.
the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs.
customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, and other factors external to the firm.
an organization's objectives and goals and how it tries to capitalize on its assets to make money.
how jobs and tasks are divided and coordinated between individuals and groups within the company.
One of the biggest environmental factors affecting organizational structure is whether the
competitor's structure matches industry needs.
external culture clashes with intrinsic values.
suppliers' cultures match the company's.
outside environment is stable or dynamic.
internal environment is stable or dynamic.
Organizational design is the process of
creating procedures used to standardize employee behavior.
creating, selecting, or changing the structure of an organization.
empowering employees to have a greater say in the decision-making process.
determining how corporate management offices will be laid out and decorated.
describing an organization's objectives and goals and how it tries to make money.
Paul's Creations makes handcrafted furniture out of vine twisted sassafras wood. Paul's could make the furniture more efficiently, but the individual touch and specially selected wood draws in customers who are willing to pay a premium for Paul's Creations' furniture. Paul's Creations is an example of a
low-cost producer.
mechanistic design.
geographic structure
Michelle's Universal Boat Fins makes one product, a type of boat fin designed to fit on any pontoon boat, over and over again. The fins never change, because the unique design fits all boats. Given the nature of its business, Michelle's should
look for ways to vary its manufacturing procedures.
give each employee a specific task to perform.
allow employees to make their own decisions.
have a low mechanistic structure.
adopt an organic structure.
Talia formed a technology start-up in her garage, and it has grown more rapidly than she ever imagined. She has always kept tabs on all of her people, and her company has just passed 150 employees. What should she do now?
send managers to large corporations to bring back a sense of largeness
add more structure for communication and decision-making
decrease structure for communication and decision-making
increase the number of decisions that only she can make
eliminate some positions to keep numbers manageable
As companies become larger, they tend to use a combination of specialization, formalization, and centralization to control their activities, thereby becoming more mechanistic in nature.
If technologies need to be changed often to suit consumer needs, the decisions should be centralized.
Companies that follow a low-cost producer strategy believe that people will pay more for a product that is unique in some way.
What steps can organizations take to reduce the negative effects of restructuring efforts?
Which of the following actions is necessary when a company is hiring and firing at the same time?
having honest and frequent communication with layoff survivors
providing more money to layoff survivors
providing more salaries to layoff survivors
providing higher salaries to new employees
providing better jobs for new employees
Which of the following is the main reason behind many organizations flattening their organizations?
It improves employee morale.
It provides more rewards for fewer employees.
It is used to reduce costs and show investors that the company is profitable.
It creates a government subsidy qualification.
It increases employee performance.
Which of the following has been the most common kind of restructuring in recent years?
from a functional to a geographic-based structure
from a product to a client-based structure
from a bureaucratic to a matrix structure
a flattening of the organization
creating a tall structure in the organization
The first step in adapting to the environment is
actually restructuring.
recognizing the need to change.
evaluating the external environment.
evaluating the internal environment.
exploring the competitor's structures.
Tatum is the CEO of a company that is undergoing a major restructuring. How should she deal with the employees who survive the layoffs in the restructuring?
remove any control they may have
give them a voice in the process
tell them as little as possible
halve their workload
boost their salary
Which of the following is an example of a company flattening its structure?
Marco's Windows fires 300 production workers and hires 50 managers.
Doug's Excavating opens branches in the South and the Midwest.
Kimmi's Design adds an assistant manager position.
Jay's Auto eliminates four layers of management.
Billy's Produce hires two new salesmen.
Many layoff survivors experience a great deal of guilt and remorse following a layoff.
Many restructuring efforts are designed to remove one or more organizational layers to reduce costs.
The most common kind of restructuring in recent years has been a flattening of the organization.
When an organization makes changes to its structure, how does that restructuring affect job performance and organizational commitment?
Although not much is known about the effect of restructuring on affective commitment, restructuring generally results in ________ level of affective commitment on the part of employees.
no significant
a large positive
a moderate positive
a small negative
a moderate negative
According to research, restructuring has ________ effect on task performance.
a strong positive
a small negative
a strong negative
a moderate positive
________ is the process of changing an organizational structure.
Very Nice Curtains is planning to restructure their business. How will this most likely affect their employees in the short-term?
Trust will decline quite a bit.
Task performance will increase.
Stress will remain unchanged.
Confusion will decline slightly.
Learning will increase greatly.
Hard Facts publishing has decided to restructure their organization. During the restructuring, they will probably see
faster employee learning.
reduced workplace stress.
slightly increasing employee trust.
slightly declining task performance.
less confusion about employee roles.
Restructuring an organization has a positive impact on task performance because restructuring helps employees view their jobs in new and exciting ways.
Which of the following statements is True about functional organization structure?
Small companies experiencing rapid growth are the only organizations to benefit from a functional structure.
One of the main disadvantages of the functional structure is the lack of work specialization.
Functional structures are extremely efficient when the organization as a whole has a relatively wide focus.
One of the main advantages of the functional structure is that it encourages communication across functions.
Functional structures are extremely efficient when the organization has fewer product lines or services.
Which of the following statements about companies that adopt a differentiation strategy is True?
They believe that people will pay more for a product that is unique in some way.
Their focus is on being as efficient as they can be.
They rely on selling products at the lowest possible cost.
They are more likely to take a mechanistic approach to organizational design.
They concentrate on developing large quantities of the same product, thereby providing cost advantages to their customers.
Which of the following statements about companies that adopt a low-cost producer strategy is True?
They believe that people will pay more for a product that is unique in some way.
They rely on selling products at the lowest possible cost.
They depend on being able to adjust to changing environments quickly.
Such companies are more likely to take an organic approach to organizational design.
They focus on supplying high-quality differentiated products to customers.
Which of the following statements about an organization in a dynamic business environment is True?
It does not change frequently.
It allows organizations to primarily focus on efficiency.
It requires organizations to have structures that are more rigid.
It requires little change over time.
It requires organizations to have structures that are more adaptive.
Which of the following statements is True?
Wide spans of control tend to be associated with centralized decision making.
Narrow spans of control tend to be associated with decentralized decision making.
A high level of work specialization tends to bring about a high level of work formalization.
Mechanistic organizations are typified by a structure that relies on low levels of work formalization.
Organic organizations are typified by a structure that relies on high degrees of work specialization.
Which of the following is True about work specialization?
It creates problems in larger firms where little flexibility is required.
It makes training new employees easier when replacements are needed.
It encourages employees to upgrade their skills in multiple disciplines.
It improves the flexible nature of workers.
It ensures that each worker performs different tasks every day.
Shane is the project manager of the organizational development team at Solid Hardwoods. Shane's team has been assigned the task of studying and evaluating Solid Hardwoods' organizational structure. Shane divided the tasks among the team members to collect preliminary information on different elements of Solid Hardwoods' structure. Meg was asked to collect information on the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs. Andrea was asked to collect information on formal authority relationships. Francine started looking into how many employees each manager has responsibility for, and Carol was asked to collect evidence on the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors at Solid Hardwoods. Shane decided to personally collect information and evidence on where exactly decisions are formally made at Solid Hardwoods. The team decided to meet with information in two weeks. Andrea was asked to collect information on which of the following elements of the organizational structure?
work specialization
chain of command
span of control
Shane is the project manager of the organizational development team at Solid Hardwoods. Shane's team has been assigned the task of studying and evaluating Solid Hardwoods' organizational structure. Shane divided the tasks among the team members to collect preliminary information on different elements of Solid Hardwoods' structure. Meg was asked to collect information on the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs. Andrea was asked to collect information on formal authority relationships. Francine started looking into how many employees each manager has responsibility for, and Carol was asked to collect evidence on the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors at Solid Hardwoods. Shane decided to personally collect information and evidence on where exactly decisions are formally made at Solid Hardwoods. The team decided to meet with information in two weeks. Meg was given the job of collecting information on which of the following elements of the organizational structure?
work specialization
chain of command
span of control