Exam Questions | Chapter 4: Job Satisfaction

Key Exam Questions Key Topics That May Appear in the Exam: Emotional contagion Emotional labor Affective component Values Job characteristics theory Job enrichment Job crafting Learning Objectives How is job satisfaction affected by day-to-day events? What are mood and emotions, and what specific forms do they take? What are values, and how do they affect job satisfaction? What is job satisfaction? What specific facets do employees consider when evaluating their job satisfaction? What steps can organizations take to assess and manage job satisfaction? Which job characteristics can create a sense of satisfaction with the work itself?

How does job satisfaction affect job performance and organizational commitment? How does it affect life satisfaction?

A person with high job satisfaction will tend to have ________ life satisfaction.

high negative
low positive

Job satisfaction is positively correlated with ________ and negatively correlated with ________.

organizational commitment; counterproductive behavior
counterproductive behavior; performance
performance; organizational commitment
performance; equity
equity; organizational commitment

Research shows that job satisfaction has ________ correlation with normative commitment.

moderate weak
strong positive
weak positive
weak negative

Job satisfaction has a ________ correlation with affective commitment.

moderate weak
strong positive
weak positive
weak negative

Job satisfaction has a ________ correlation with counterproductive behavior.

moderate negative
strong negative
moderate positive
weak positive
strong positive

In which of the following scenarios would the person involved most likely experience life satisfaction?

Ally stays in her job as a maid because her education doesn't qualify her for anything better.
Rick keeps working for the company because of its generous vacation package.
Alessio enjoys his coworkers at the espresso shop, but he finds being a barista to be boring.
Filippo enjoys serving as a politician because of the influence he has on government policy.
Bianca likes being a waitress because of her customers, but dislikes her low pay.

Job satisfaction has a ________ correlation with task performance.

relatively weak
strong positive
moderate positive
relatively strong
weak negative

Nations that are above the poverty line are no happier than those below the poverty line.

Research reveals that job satisfaction is correlated strongly with citizenship behavior.

Satisfied employees do a better job of fulfilling the duties described in their job descriptions.

How is job satisfaction affected by day-to-day events?

Which of the following demonstrates how day-to-day events can affect job satisfaction?

After receiving news of his mother's illness, Baltasar became stressed about the deadlines of his job.
After going to lunch, Birta continued to enjoy her work assignment.
After talking about his baseball team to a coworker, Onni bought game tickets during his afternoon break.
After talking to her manager, Venia realized she could finish her work by the deadline.
After planning the project for months, Victor finally received the go ahead.

What are mood and emotions, and what specific forms do they take?

When the emotions of one person affect the emotions of another person, it is called

emotional contagion.
emotional labor.

Shari works at a fast-food restaurant, which requires her always to be cheerful even when customers are rude or impatient. Shari's job involves a large amount of

emotional labor.
deactivated moods.
emotional contagion.
mood swings.
flow immersion.

According to the affective events theory,

emotions need to be concealed at the workplace.
emotions are independent of job satisfaction, which depends on rational analysis.
emotions can trigger spontaneous behavior.
employees feel like their efforts do not really matter when work evaluation is dictated by affective procedures.
an employee will have high supervisor satisfaction if the supervisor is likeable.

Which type of emotion can be best explained as facing an immediate and concrete danger?


Which type of emotion best explains a distressing condition that has changed for the better?


Emotions can be categorized into

structured and unstructured.
cognition and affect.
schemas and rules.
positive and negative.
semi-structured and unstructured.

Which of the following combinations is most likely to result in flow?

high skill and high challenge
low altruism and low identity
high altruism and high identity
low activation and high pleasantness
high autonomy and low growth need

Jamie, Patrick, and Lori have just finished their team's project and are waiting for their supervisor's feedback. Patrick has been mostly unengaged and quiet ever since the project started. While this was not his best work, neither was his work bad. His mood would be categorized as

intense negative.
intense positive.
negative activated.
positive activated.

Bert, Kiko, and Jamila have just finished their team's project and are waiting for their supervisor's feedback. Jamila had ensured that the project was completed on time and met all the requirements. She received good feedback on the part she worked on. She is elated and enthusiastic about her future projects. Her mood would be labeled as

intense negative.
intense deactivated.
unpleasant deactivated.
intense positive.
pleasant deactivated.

Thato, Ellis, and Amahle have just finished their team's project and are waiting for their supervisor's feedback. Thato is not satisfied with the team he is working with and has hostile feelings toward them. He feels annoyed because they procrastinated their parts of the assignment until the last minute, and now he is feeling nervous that their sections will be filled with errors. How would you describe Thato's mood?

intense negative
intense positive
intense deactivated
unpleasant deactivated
pleasant deactivated

Violeta has been feeling grouchy at her coworkers for weeks, but she doesn't know exactly why she has this feeling. What type of mood is she experiencing?


Moods can be categorized by

feelings and schemas.
classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
cognition and affect.
pleasantness and activation.
emotions and cognition.

States of feeling that are often mild in intensity, last for an extended period of time, and are not explicitly directed at or caused by anything are known as

withdrawal symptoms.
personality traits.

Leo is making a presentation on the affective events theory to his management team. Which of the following examples should he use as a demonstration?

Although Alikahn dealt with a difficult patron, his overall sense of well-being persisted.
After received a critical email from his boss, Miras simmered with anger for the rest of the day.
After Isabella talked to her friend, she continued to work intensely on her assignment.
Although Eileen received a compliment from her boss, her vague unease about the project continued.
Although Dylan did not contribute to the meeting, he still liked working for his employer.

People often describe flow as being in the zone and report heightened states of clarity, control, and concentration. In which of the following scenarios would the person involved most likely experience a flow state?

Ibuki stands at a machine, punching out the same parts day after day.
Hyata enjoys research even though his present research task is not demanding.
Mark has been trying to create a good project proposal, but he feels out of his depth.
Leslie has been using her skills to write a proposal for a project that will be challenging.
Louise has been stamping envelopes for hours, a task she finds repetitive and boring.

Over the course of a week, various coworkers confide in you about their states of feeling. Which of the following scenarios are you most likely to characterize as a mood?

After his team lost an account, Leon felt out-of-sorts at work for the entire afternoon.
Although she doesn't know why, Martina felt intense anger at Maria during the meeting.
For some unknown reason, Vasil felt vaguely irritable at work for days.
After learning that she won a sweepstakes, Chloe felt overjoyed during a long, boring meeting.
Because she worked long hours, Audrey felt giddy and found everything funny.

Service jobs are high in emotional labor.

Passive recreation like watching TV is likely to trigger a flow state.

A challenging assignment given to a knowledgeable and skillful person would be likely to trigger an intense positive mood.

States of feeling that are intense, last for a few hours, and are clearly directed at (and caused by) someone or some circumstance are termed moods.

What are values, and how do they affect job satisfaction?

Saki, Jake, and Tamar have different ideas about what makes a job satisfying. They all work for a nonprofit relief agency and travel to areas where disasters have occurred to render assistance to victims. The pay is not high, and there can be extreme health risks because contagious diseases often break out in disaster zones due to the resulting poor sanitation. Their coworkers are friendly, intelligent, and generally nice. Saki feels strongly that she wants to be able to make a difference and help people when they are in trouble. Jake worries deeply about expenses. He has a large load of student debt to pay off, and his wife is expecting their second child. Tamar tolerates teamwork but isn't thrilled by it, and she also has mild anxiety about germs. Which of the following statements is most likely True?

Jake most likely has the lowest job satisfaction.
Saki most likely has the lowest job satisfaction.
Jake most likely has the highest job satisfaction.
Tamar most likely has the highest job satisfaction.
Tamar most likely has the lowest job satisfaction.

Saki, Jake, and Tamar have different ideas about what makes a job satisfying. They all work for a nonprofit relief agency and travel to areas where disasters have occurred to render assistance to victims. The pay is not high, and there can be extreme health risks because contagious diseases often break out in disaster zones due to the resulting poor sanitation. Their coworkers are friendly, intelligent, and generally nice. Saki feels strongly that she wants to be able to make a difference and help people when they are in trouble. Jake worries deeply about expenses. He has a large load of student debt to pay off, and his wife is expecting their second child. Tamar tolerates teamwork but isn't thrilled by it, and she also has mild anxiety about germs. Which of the following statements is most likely True?

Saki has the highest level of job satisfaction.
They all have essentially equal levels of job satisfaction.
None of them are likely to have high job satisfaction.
Jake has the highest job satisfaction.
Tamar has the lowest job satisfaction.

Eliska is well established as a financial analyst at the Magnify Investment Company. She has significant financial responsibility for her family, and she has recently applied for a mortgage. Which of the following work value categories would likely be important to her?


Manuela, a writer of advertising copy, has been an overachiever throughout her career. She enjoys the intellectual stimulation she has at work. She feels her work allows her to use her creativity and artistic skills to their full potential. Which of the following work value categories is important to Manuela?

work itself

Yusuf is a pediatrician who is passionate about helping children with difficult medical conditions. He also volunteers at a free clinic during the weekend. Judging from this, which of the following work value categories would be important for him?


Which of the following is a specific value related to the work itself?

high salary
good supervisory relations
intellectual stimulation
enjoyable coworkers
power over others

Having prestige, power over others, and fame are examples of work values related to


Akari accepted a position with Innovate Electronics because she knows the company is highly regarded. Which of the following work value categories does Akari's choice relate to?


Values are defined as

those things that people consciously or subconsciously want to seek or attain.
pleasurable emotional states resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences.
a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization, or group.
processes that elicit, control, and sustain certain behaviors.
the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual.

The value-percept theory utilizes three critical psychological states to measure job satisfaction.

Values are those things that people consciously or subconsciously want to seek or attain.

What is job satisfaction?

Workplace surveys suggest that satisfied employees are becoming

more uncommon.
more widespread.
less expensive.
less productive.
more complacent.

The results of surveys of common work values can be broken down into several general categories. Those general categories include which of the following sets of items?

promotions, altruism, and status
equity and equality
meaningfulness of work, responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of results
identity, autonomy, and feedback
joy, pride, hope, and compassion

________ is a positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences.

Job development
Organizational endurance
Organizational performance
Job satisfaction
Organizational growth

Research shows that employees with low job satisfaction experience strong positive feelings when they think about their duties or take part in their task activities.

What specific facets do employees consider when evaluating their job satisfaction?

According to research, of the five facets of value-percept theory, which two facets have moderately strong influences on overall job satisfaction?

pay satisfaction and promotion satisfaction
promotion satisfaction and coworker satisfaction
supervision satisfaction and altruism
coworker satisfaction and supervision satisfaction
satisfaction with the work itself and promotion satisfaction

Of the five facets of value-percept theory, if job satisfaction had to increase to a large extent, which facet should be given high priority for improvement?

pay satisfaction
promotion satisfaction
supervision satisfaction
coworker satisfaction
satisfaction with the work itself

Satisfaction with ________ reflects employees' feelings about their actual job tasks, including whether those tasks are challenging, interesting, respected, and make use of key skills rather than being dull, repetitive, and uncomfortable.

the work itself

According to the value-percept theory, for an employee to have high supervision satisfaction, which of the following is critical?

supervisor's style of dress
supervisor's level of education
supervisor's being an extrovert
supervisor's values and beliefs
supervisor's salary

Which facet of job satisfaction brings more responsibility and increased work hours?

environmental factors
change in leadership

When it comes to pay satisfaction, most employees base their desired pay on their job duties and

the potential for promotions.
their basic needs.
their status.
the pay received by their superiors.
the pay received by comparable colleagues.

According to the value-percept theory, the relation between dissatisfaction, value (importance), and value (want) is given by the following:

Dissatisfaction = (V<sub>want</sub> - V<sub>perceive</sub>) × (V<sub>importance</sub>)
Dissatisfaction = (V<sub>want</sub> - V<sub>have</sub>)/(V<sub>importance</sub>)
Dissatisfaction = (V<sub>want</sub> - V<sub>have</sub>)^(V<sub>importance</sub>)
Dissatisfaction = (V<sub>want</sub> - V<sub>have</sub>) × (V<sub>importance</sub>)
Dissatisfaction = (V<sub>want</sub> - V<sub>perceive</sub>)/(V<sub>importance</sub>)

Which of the following scenarios deals with satisfaction with the work itself?

Ximena is happy with her job because she just became a department head.
Piotr enjoys his job because he constantly faces new challenges.
Lotte likes her job mainly because a coworker has become a close friend.
Santiago enjoys his job because his boss is so easy to get along with.
Krystyna is happy with her job because it's a fast-track to the top.

You want a job that is creative and pays well, but you are also concerned with the work environment. Based on the concept of supervision satisfaction, which of the following jobs would you most likely take?

The supervisor provides regular pay raises and seems unlikable.
The supervisor provides little technical support and seems like a nice person.
The supervisor allows several sick days and seems surly.
The supervisor encourages innovative ideas and has a friendly attitude.
The supervisor seems open to new ideas and has a cold personality.

According to the value-percept theory, in which of the following scenarios would the employee be the most dissatisfied?

Levente wants to work with people, so he took a job with a boat tour company. He didn't realize most of his hours would be spent alone doing paperwork.
Laura wants to focus on scientific research. In her job for Lako Chemical, about half of her time involves research and the rest involves meetings.
Sofia wants to work with numbers. As an accountant, she works with numbers for the majority of her time in the office.
Lorenzo likes physical activity and taking risks. His job in a circus involves both of these elements, but he also spends time cleaning animal cages.
Rokas likes helping people who are less fortunate, so he took a job as a social worker. Although he spends hours helping the poor, he dislikes his hour-long commute.

Which of the following theories argues that job satisfaction depends on whether an employee perceives that his or her job supplies the things that he or she values?

Maslow's theory
job characteristics theory
value-percept theory
job withdrawal theory
emotional contagion theory

Some employees do not want frequent promotions because promotions bring more responsibility and increased work hours.

The elements in employees' relationships with their supervisors that affect levels of job satisfaction are much different from the elements in employees' relationships with their coworkers that affect job satisfaction.

Satisfaction with the work itself is the single strongest driver of overall job satisfaction.

What steps can organizations take to assess and manage job satisfaction?

The ________ assesses satisfaction with pay, promotion, supervision, and coworkers, as well as satisfaction with the work itself.

Employee Motivation Index
Job Descriptive Index
Job Satisfaction Index
Employee Characteristics Index
Employee Satisfaction Index

Pratique Solutions offers jobs that require creativity and hires people who are enthusiastic and friendly. Their pay scale meets the industry norm but does not exceed it, and managers tend to stay at the same job level for a long time. In which of the following areas would Pratique Solutions score low on in a JDI survey? 

pay satisfaction and promotion satisfaction
pay satisfaction and work itself satisfaction
promotion satisfaction and coworker satisfaction
work itself satisfaction and coworker satisfaction
work itself satisfaction and supervisor satisfaction

________ can provide a snapshot of how satisfied the workforce is and, if repeated over time, reveal trends in satisfaction levels.

Focus groups
Structured interviews
Attitude surveys
Focus groups followed by interviews
Unstructured interviews

________ are usually the most accurate and most effective in assessing the job satisfaction of rank-and-file employees.

Attitude surveys
Focus groups

Jattestor Enterprises administered the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) to all its employees and then shared the results with department heads. Afterward, which of the following department heads acted most appropriately?

Tobias implemented several reforms based on its results.
Jakob held several meetings, which failed to lead to cohesive action.
Mia issued a memorandum saying why she disagreed with the results.
Catherine delayed taking action for several months.
Ralph followed it up with another type of survey in his department only.

The JDI includes a companion survey, the JIG scale that assesses

job significance.
overall job satisfaction.
mental well-being.
leadership potential.

The JDI manual provides national norms for all facets and breaks down those norms according to relevant demographic groups.

The developers of the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) survey recommend that surveys in the organization should not be anonymous so that managers can identify which employees are not satisfied and address their specific needs.

Which job characteristics can create a sense of satisfaction with the work itself?

According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which the job requires completing a whole, identifiable, piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome is known as

responsibility for outcomes.
knowledge of results.

When the duties and responsibilities associated with a job are expanded by the employer to provide more variety, identity, and autonomy, it is termed as

vertical integration.
job enrichment.
job coaching.
job crafting.

Although Ella works as a waitress in a supper club, she wants to eventually open her own restaurant that combines traditional supper club dishes with more innovative cuisine. According to job characteristics theory, Ella has a high degree of

the need for power.
growth need strength.

Employees are engaged in ________ when they shape, mold, and redefine their jobs in a proactive way.

job crafting
job enrichment
job enlargement
perception testing
satisfaction remodeling

In job characteristics theory, the degree to which employees have strong needs for personal accomplishments or developing themselves beyond their current levels is known as

growth need strength.

According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which carrying out the activities required by the job provides the worker with clear information about how well he or she is performing is known as

meaningfulness of work.

Luca is a psychologist who has the freedom to set his own schedule with his clients. This indicates that Luca's job has

low identity.
low significance.
high autonomy.
high significance.
high variety.

When your job provides ________, you view the outcomes of it as the product of your efforts rather than the result of careful instructions from your boss or a well-written manual of procedures.


According to job characteristics theory, which of the following responsibilities can be described as part of an autonomous job?

having a strict schedule
using your own procedures
using methods proscribed by your manager
following the instruction manual word for word
adhering to the way things have always been done

According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which the job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual performing the work is known as

meaningfulness of work.

Greta is responsible for the organization and distribution of relief packages to nations affected by famine throughout the world. According to the job characteristics theory, Greta's job has a high degree of


Hans is an interior designer who works with an architect who builds unique, private luxury homes. Hans is responsible for coming up with the acoustics, lighting, temperature, color, furniture, furnishings, and moldings inside the home, as well as supervising the purchases and installation of materials. He enjoys transforming interior spaces into a unified whole that conveys the personality of the residents who will live there. Hans's job has

low autonomy.
low variety.
high identity.
high monotony.
low utilization of ability.

Mehmet was recently hired at Brainstorm Inc., an advertising firm. Part of his training involves moving through all of the departments and learning what each one does. Every day is something new for him and requires him to use different skills and knowledge. He truly enjoys the challenge of facing something new every workday. Mehmet's job is characterized by

low autonomy.
high variety.
high identity.
high status and power.
low utilization of ability.

Karabo works at United Causes International. Her job requires her to spend eight hours a day entering donor information on Excel spreadsheets. Karabo's job is characterized by

high autonomy.
high variety.
high identity.
high significance.
low variety.

Sean is a gas station employee whose job consists of checking out customers who don't pay at the pump. Which of the following statements is True about Sean's job?

It has high moral significance.
It has low variety.
It has low stability.
It has high utilization of ability.
It has high identity.

Lethabo is the marketing manager at BlueSky Concepts, an management consulting firm. His calendar is filled with meetings with heads of the companies, interviewing new employees, giving interviews to business magazines, attending presentations and seminars in different countries, and the like. Lethabo feels that every workday he has something different to do, and he is rarely bored with his job. According to the job characteristics theory, which of the following is True about Jon's job?

It has high moral significance.
It has low autonomy.
It has low labor equity.
It has high variety.
It has high identity.

Managers at PopLit, a company that produces comic books and graphic novels, believe in providing continuous feedback to employees regarding their work. Newly hired employees are assigned an established employee to shadow for six weeks. The established employee also reviews the shadow's work and provides tips on improving productivity. In this example, the firm is addressing which of the following critical psychological states that make work satisfying for employees?

responsibility for outcomes
meaningfulness of work
knowledge of results

Farragut Industries wants to promote job enrichment for its employees across all its divisions. Which of the following is an example of putting that in practice?

After talking with upper management, Joud's supervisor explained to her why Joud can't have more autonomy.
After talking to a friend, Ghena spent more personal time traveling to make up for her lack of autonomy at work.
After reading a motivation book, Karam rearranged his meeting schedule to allow for more autonomy.
After talking with coworkers, Jake demanded that his manager give him more autonomy.
After consulting with job design consultants, Cheng-En's manager gave him more autonomy.

You've worked at a job for several years. Recently, your job growth strength has increased significantly. Which of the following would most likely help you deal with this change?

Talk to your family and friends about how your job no longer satisfies you.
Remain at your job because it provides decent autonomy and significance.
Seek a job that promises to satisfy your needs for autonomy and significance.
Find outside hobbies in an attempt to satisfy your increased job growth strength.
Convince yourself that autonomy and significance aren't that important.

Which of the following scenarios shows high growth need strength?

Fleur knows she might be up for a promotion because of her good work, but she thinks she might refuse because she enjoys her work so much.
Thijs knows refusing to work overtime will lessen his chance at a promotion, but spending time with his family is more important.
Although Eduardo's job as mail deliverer doesn't pay well, he is satisfied because he enjoys spending so much time outside.
Although Barry dislikes aspects of his job as a quality-control manager, he knows other jobs are worse and so decides to stay put.
Although pleased that she works as a script reader with Aim High Pictures, Maria Fernanda wants to become one of the top scriptwriters in Hollywood.

Which of the following examples shows feedback obtained directly from the job?

As a scientist, Zoran receives monthly feedback from his manager about his research.
As a business executive, Ignas receives feedback from his supervisor twice a year.
As a politician, Gabila constantly receives feedback from her constituents through email and phone calls.
As a factory worker, Robert receives feedback from the factory owner via his floor boss at regular intervals.
As a teacher, Lucinda receives feedback from the principal after each semester.

Which of the following examples of work involves the core job characteristic of identity?

Min-jun took two years to write a novel, from starting the first draft to getting it published.
Malik works as a jack-of-all trades, which includes carpentry, plumbing, and yard work.
Harry spends most his day driving from place to place, trying to sell appliances.
Joan works as a therapist rehabilitating accident victims so they can walk again.
Diego requires little supervision for his office work because it involves standardized forms.

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates the core job characteristic of variety?

Dmitri has to constantly perform before an audience that lets him know how he is doing.
Anastasia has to spend most of her time out of the office, during which she supervises herself.
Mariya has to formulate policies that affect thousands of her constituents.
Ivan has to track a project all the way from conception to implementation.
Maxim has to answer the phone, provides tours, write reports, and make appointments.

The psychological state that reflects the degree to which work tasks are viewed as something that counts in the employee's system of philosophies and beliefs is known as

responsibility for outcomes.
knowledge of results.
meaningfulness of work.

When employees are very talented and feel a strong need for growth, their core job characteristics have no effect on their job satisfaction.

The moderate to strong positive correlations between the five core job characteristics and job satisfaction indicate all employees want more variety and more autonomous and significant jobs.

According to job characteristics theory, when students tell professors they hope to take more courses with them, this high level of identity positively affects the professors' job satisfaction.

Job characteristics theory argues that variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback result in high levels of the three psychological states (meaningfulness of work, responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of results), making work tasks more satisfying.

Meaningfulness of work captures the degree to which employees feel that they are key drivers of the quality of the unit's work.

Which of the following statements about the JDI is True?

JDI is written in complex style and needs a manual to understand.
JDI is one of the least-administered job satisfaction surveys.
JDI should require participants to identify themselves so the company can verify it is receiving honest feedback.
JDI recommends surveying a small portion of a company.
JDI allows for within-organization comparisons to determine which departments have the highest satisfaction levels and which have the lowest.

Which of the following statements is True about life satisfaction?

Job satisfaction has little effect on life satisfaction.
It is the degree to which employees feel a sense of happiness with customers.
Research shows that life satisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of job satisfaction.
Increases in job satisfaction have a stronger impact on life satisfaction than do increases in salary.
If we want to feel better about our jobs, we need to find a way to be more satisfied with our lives.

Which of the following statements is True?

People who experience lower levels of job satisfaction tend to feel higher levels of affective commitment.
Job satisfaction is weakly correlated with affective commitment.
Job satisfaction is moderately correlated with citizenship behavior.
Job satisfaction is weakly correlated with normative commitment.
Job satisfaction has a weak positive effect on job performance.

Which of the following is True regarding emotions?

Failing to live up to your ideal self is termed as guilt, a negative emotion.
Emotions are directed at someone or some circumstance.
Enhancement of identity by taking credit for achievement is a negative emotion.
Revulsion aroused by something offensive is shame.
Being moved by another's situation is a negative emotion.

Which of the following statements is True regarding job satisfaction?

It remains constant over time.
It is independent of objective job appraisals.
It is not measurable.
It is unrelated to job performance.
It has both rational and emotional components.

Which of the following is True about knowledge of results?

It captures the degree to which employees feel that they are key drivers of the quality of the unit's work.
It reflects the extent to which employees know how well (or how poorly) they are doing.
It reflects the degree to which work tasks are viewed as something that counts in the employee's system of philosophies.
It captures the degree to which employees feel like their efforts do not really matter because work outcomes are dictated by effective procedures.
It implies that trivial tasks tend to be less satisfying than tasks that make employees feel like they're aiding the organization in some meaningful way.

Which of the following statements is True regarding coworker satisfaction?

Coworker satisfaction leads to lowered productivity.
Coworker satisfaction requires that all employees of the same level be promoted at the same intervals.
Coworker satisfaction increases if employees take part in annual reviews of each other's work.
Coworker satisfaction does not contribute much to overall job satisfaction.
Coworker satisfaction is important because employees spend considerable time with coworkers.

Which of the following is True regarding value-percept theory?

Value-percept theory describes the central characteristics of intrinsically satisfying jobs.
Value-percept theory implies that perceptions of the work environment are unrelated to job satisfaction.
Value-percept theory suggests that people evaluate job satisfaction according to specific facets of the job.
Value-percept theory suggests that satisfied employees are becoming more and more rare.
Value-percept theory implies that moral causes and gaining fame and prestige are relevant in all jobs.